Building core employability skills and ethical productive mindsets

FEA offer two separate programs.

FEA Urban – Students attend one hour forty-minute classes, six days a week for one year at urban branches.
FEA Rural – Students attend classes in their villages for two and half hours a days, six days a week for one-year.

If you represent a commercial coaching center, please read this invitation from our CEO regarding the use of FEA materials.

If you represent a commercial coaching center, please read this invitation from our CEO regarding the use of FEA materials.


FEA makes its course materials freely available to download, without copyright, for students, teachers, researchers, commercial coaching centers, and other organizations.


FEA wants to promote Facilitators to become Territory Managers (TM) so facilitators can earn more and learn new skills.

A key requirement for performing a TM’s job is the ability to drive a two-wheeler and to be able to visit different branches every day of the week.
We cannot offer you a promotion unless you are completely mobile and able to travel to remote locations.
Other qualifying requirements are: 
Completion of a 12-month cycle of the curriculum at the branch.
Minimum MER – 71% for 3 consecutive months. 
Attend all FEA leadership trainings and get certified. 
You can sign up for Leaderships trainings 9 months after starting at FEA. 
To attend the next available leadership training at Lucknow, send an email to Staff trainer: [email protected] with a cc to your TM and AM. 
They will schedule your training and advise you.


Optional Workshops for Promotion – Urban

Optional Workshops for Promotion – Rural

Branch Level Promotions

HO Level Promotions

Branch Level Promotions

HO Level Promotions

Servant Leadership

Project Management

Not Applicable

Integrity at Work

Communication at Work

Intermediate Excel MOOCs


Teamwork for FEA

Basic Excel MOOC

Feedback and Coaching


BM Technical Skills


·         Minimum tenure at FEA – 6 months

FEA wants to promote Teachers to become Territory Managers or Staff Trainers so Teachers can earn more and learn new skills.

Territory Managers must be able to drive a two-wheeler and visit different rural branches daily. Staff Trainers will be required to live on the Gahru campus and must be willing to spend a few weeks at a time once or twice a year in rural locations to conduct trainings.

We cannot offer you a promotion unless you are completely mobile and able to travel to remote locations.
Other qualifying requirements are: 
Completion of a 12-month cycle of the curriculum at the branch.
Minimum MPR – 71% for 3 consecutive months. 
Attend all FEA leadership trainings and get certified. 
You can sign up for Leaderships trainings 9 months after starting at FEA. 
To attend the next available leadership training at Lucknow, send an email to Staff trainer: [email protected] with a cc to your TM and AM. 
They will schedule your training and advise you.

Maintained by Darshana Vishwakarma